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This is usually what you'll see when you see me.. a big smile and ready to roll! Whether it's helping a surgeon with their first implant or coordinating components for a full-arch case, I truly feel lucky to be there every day for my customers and adding value. This site is solely for that purpose - adding value. My customers have asked for an easy and quick method to see what I have going on around North East Ohio. From local CE with valued partners to national CE opportunities with industry leaders that support Bio-horizons, this site will provide the details for you to get involved.

Connecting Dots


This site contains my calendar of local courses, dinner CE events, sponsored lectures, products, and coming soon.. my blog! This will provide a database of documented cases, videos, and "pearls" that I have collected in my journey to become the most valuable sales representative for my customers. Please use this information on these pages to: 

  • Enroll in local courses

  • Sign up for local CE dinners, events, and study clubs

  • Request me to lecture and provide CE

  • Suggest new CE topics

  • Submit documented cases to be featured

  • Enroll in a monthly newsletter of new products and updates (membership details to come)

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